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Apply for Service

Apply for new electrical service online and become a consumer-member of Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative, with all of the benefits that an electrical cooperative offers.

Apply for Service

Electric Specifications

Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative wants to assist you with ensuring your new service is properly installed and safe. Therefore, we require each new service to adhere to certain quality standards.

Below are the JPEC specifications for some of the most commonly-used new services. Because each installation of electric service is unique, we can work with you on your specific situation. Please contact us if you have specific questions or a unique situation.


A security deposit may be required from new or existing members when your account is established.  Residential deposits can be waived with authorization of a credit check when a good rating is obtained, or if you have current service with us with sufficient on-time payment history.

Interest on Deposits

Interest will be paid annually by refund or credit to the member’s bill, except that no refund or credit will be made if the member’s bill is delinquent at the time of refund. The PSC calculates the interest rate paid on member deposits each December for the upcoming calendar year by averaging the one-year constant maturity treasury rate from September, October and November of the prior year.  The interest rate for 2024 is 5.38%.